Thursday, January 23, 2014


I decided to skip ahead in my book from reading the horror stories to the section on how to improve your health through the specific plan in this book. Given the amount of trouble I often have controlling what I eat myself I think I can safely push aside the obsession with changing what other people do! Thanks for your comment this morning Diane, you are absolutely right -  taking things with a pinch of salt and reducing stress right... Starting Now!
Interestingly I realized something after I posted yesterday (and it was reinforced by Deniz's comment today) - and that is that while I'm worrying about what I believe to be excessive carb consumption, they are equally concerned about what they believe to be excessive restriction of perfectly acceptable, even healthy foods. Anyone who's read this blog for a while knows how much my eating has varied over the past few years, from alternating between omnivorous and vegetarian eating on a daily basis / spending a week being vegetarian to trying a raw food detox, to alternate day fasting, low fat high protein, to high fat low carb... They were all done or attempted on the basis of reading materials that convinced me they were at least worth a shot, and the majority of them didn't work for me, mainly due to sustainability issues. On top of that the only long term success at weight loss I can really point to in my own history was actually the result of calorie counting, fundamentally a low fat diet, before I started blogging. So who am I to say that next week / year I won't discover that this is wrong for me too? I'm already frustrated by the lack of weight loss I've achieved so far - though not by how I feel overall when I stick to it for long enough to feel the effects - so maybe I should just relax and keep an open mind... Even about the lifestyles I'm not currently following :-)

I am actually back at my Dad's house now, which is as lovely as always. There any only 2 things about starting my new job next week that make me a little sad, one is that I like my current team (though I also like the one I'm going back to), and the other is that I'll be further away from Lincolnshire. I really don't know why I've fallen so in love with the place, or why I feel so at home there, perhaps it's some subconscious memory of living there the first 5 years of my life, but I talked about it with my brother last weekend and he feels a lot of the same things. Whatever the reason I truly believe I'll end up moving there myself some time, although not for a few years given the lack of employment up there.

Food today:
Breakfast: eggs with red pepper, leek & mushrooms
Lunch: chicken breast (roast) with pickled salad vegetables & a satsuma
Dinner: pan fried salmon fillet with homemade ratatouille followed by a piece of gf rocky road tray bake
Snacks: cashews, Greek yoghurt

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