Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Happy New Year to You! 2014 Here We Come.
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Happy Christmas & New Year
Hi there!
So I haven�t been blogging or reading blogs for the past week +. Can�t stay away long though!
I went away for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day & Boxing Day � we booked into a hotel for the 3 nights. It was a lovely little hotel in the New Forest � Carey�s Manor & Spa in Brochenhurst. Every year when I�m at home I try to fit in so much entertaining of my family, cooking, shopping and general over the top hard work that I wind up knackered, beyond cranky and hating Christmas, so this year, with the working away thing, I just refused to go there.
My Mum & her OH, A, visited us on the 21st and stayed the night. I had plans that involved being out and about, but the weather disagreed and it peed down all day long, so we all drove to Loch Fyne for lunch and spent the rest of the time sitting chatting and watching tv, which was possibly more relaxing than the local tour I�d been planning. They headed home on the Sunday and I started a marathon of laundry to get us ready for our trip.
Brockenhurst was beautiful, even in the rain, and it was lovely to see the New Forest ponies and donkeys wandering around the village looking muddy and annoyed at the rain
On Boxing Day we popped into the village to buy a few bits and bobs in Tesco and saw a bunch of them apparently queuing up outside the coffee shop waiting for breakfast � brilliant!
The food at the Manor was amazing and I was about 80% GF (couldn�t resist a couple of dinner rolls and a fruit scone on the first day, or free canapes) The deal included afternoon tea (hence the scone), champagne reception, dinner (not drinks) in the Zen Garden Thai restaurant, 3 full New Forest breakfast buffets, Christmas Lunch and a seafood buffet, and a Gala Dinner (black tie) on Boxing Day. Every main meal (not breakfasts obviously) was preceded by free champagne and canapes. We discovered an excellent cocktail called a Frosty Jack, and had several over the few days.
It was a really relaxing break, and I even managed one visit to the gym.
Now we�re back, and back to slightly real world. Tomorrow M�s parents are coming to visit and staying over the New Year. Not 100% delighted as this will be a bit more effort for me, but we�re eating out once or twice so that will help.
I have a cold brewing, and a mouth ulcer, and backache. Apart from that I�m not too stressed by things. I�ve been far from good at the old diet so far, but not as bad as I usually am. I have drunk more than I planned to and the New Year visit is going to extend that, but no hangovers so not that excessively. I�ve had a few walks around here, not very long due to the back pain which I am trying to fix before I go back to work.
So how have your Christmas�s been? Hope everyone is enjoying the festive season!!!
Saturday, December 28, 2013
banana bread

You could add some of your favourite sweetener to the recipe if you want to make it sweeter. But maybe try it without at first and see what you think. My boyfriend has a massive sweet tooth, but loves this recipe as it is. I think it tastes best once it�s cooled or the next day (rather than straight out of the oven), after the flavours have had time to develop.
- 2 ripe bananas
- ? cup raw virgin coconut oil, melted
- 4 eggs
- � cup coconut flour
- � cup desiccated coconut
- 3 tsp ground cinnamon
- Pinch of ground nutmeg
- � tsp baking powder
- � tsp salt
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Protective Style Lookbook || Flat Twists with Marley Hair
Model: Denise
Studies || Argan Oil + Hyperpigmention, Oily Skin and Cardiovascular Health

Well today, putting hair care aside, let us look at argan oil in skin care and overall body care. Here are a few findings worth mentioning:
- Argan oil may be effective against hyperpigmentation disorders (e.g., acne scarring).
- Extract from saw palmetto and sesame seeds in an argan-oil base was shown to control oily skin.
- Findings suggest that regular consumption of argan oil can lower "bad cholesterol" (i.e., LDL cholesterol).
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
sardines with pumpkin + silverbeet

- Tin of sardines in olive oil
- A couple of large handfuls of silverbeet
- Leftover Paprika Roast Pumpkin
Monday, December 23, 2013
paprika roast pumpkin

- Butternut pumpkin
- Paprika
- Salt
- Coconut oil, melted
Thursday, December 19, 2013
coconut, almond + flax loaf

This grain-free loaf was born out of a need to use up some coconut flour. It has a subtle sweetness and dense texture that reminds me a bit of corn bread. It's delicious warm with some really good quality butter,* or you could just have it by itself alongside a big salad.
- 1� cups coconut flour
- 1 cup ground almonds
- � cup ground flaxseed
- 1 tbsp chia seeds
- 1 tsp baking powder
- Pinch of salt
- 6 eggs
- � cup olive oil
1. Preheat your oven to 180�C and line a loaf tin with baking paper (I use a 23 x 7 cm loaf tin).
2. Combine the coconut flour, ground almonds, ground flaxseed, chia seeds, baking power and salt in a bowl.
3. Lightly beat the eggs and olive oil together to combine, then stir through the dry ingredients until everything is well combined.
4. Press the mixture into the loaf tin and bake in the preheated oven for 20 - 25 minutes. Allow to cool slightly before cutting.
* I go for organic, grass-fed butter.
Not a low carb / paleo day - but I dont care!!
Food today:
Breakfast: eggs scrambled with tomato
Lunch: chicken & ready salted crisps
Dinner: chilli burger (no bun) & fries from the hotel bar
Snacks: Greek yoghurt; nuts
Winner Announced and The Eat to Live Cookbook Project: Ginger Almond Dressing
"I do not have a copy. I borrowed one from the library for three weeks and I really want a copy to keep in my cupboard. Your blog posts have been very inspiring and I would LOVE to be able to flip through the book any time I had an ingredient on hand and needed to find something to make. Please please please choose me!"
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Not a gluten free, paleo or low carb day
Damn it!
The stress and rushed off my feet busy continues, and with it the questionable decisions. Food I mean. I was having a little trouble focusing (doing millions of database checks... Millions may be an exaggeration but it felt like it) and wanted / needed an energy boost to clear my brain. A walk around the office might have been a better choice, and certainly wouldn't have blown me up like a balloon so my previously reasonably comfortable skirt wouldn't become ridiculously tight in approx. 3 seconds flat.
Yes. I'm a genius. And the queen of self control. Sigh....
So, bloated, windy, stressed & knackered... No gym again, just tv, reading, and a long soak in a hopefully soothing lavender scented bath...
Food today:
Breakfast: eggs scrambled with red pepper
Lunch: homemade soup - vegetables in really thick homemade chicken stock
Dinner: chicken & tomato
Snacks: Greek yoghurt; nuts; slice of cake (not Gf); dried fruit (approx 700lbs)
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Life - well, work - gets in the way
So once again my work life has become more stressful and political. I'm sure it wasn't like this back when I started in testing, I don't know what's gone wrong / changed...
As usual I handled it brilliantly by eating sweet gluten. Not too much, thankfully, I got it out of my system.
After work I intended to go to the gym and make an attempt at fitting in some weights machines as I am aware that I never do any strength work. But after the day I'd had I didn't feel like it, so instead I languished in the bath till I turned into a wrinkled prune
Food today:
Breakfast: eggs scrambled with garlic &herb boursin & red pepper
Lunch: homemade soup - vegetables in really thick homemade chicken stock
Dinner: cold meat & strawberries
Snacks: Greek yoghurt; nuts; mince pie (not Gf)
Monday, December 16, 2013
christmas spice truffles

- 2 tbsp raw virgin coconut oil, softened
- � cup ground almonds
- 3 tsp rice malt syrup
- 2 tsp ground cinnamon
- 1 tsp ground ginger
- � tsp ground allspice
- Pinch of salt
- 80g dark (85% cocoa) chocolate
- Desiccated coconut for decorating
1. Mix the coconut oil, ground almonds, rice malt syrup, cinnamon, ginger, allspice and salt in a bowl until well combined.
2. Roll the mixture into balls and chill in the freezer (this will make the chocolate dipping easier).
3. Melt the chocolate in a bowl, then let it cool slightly so it starts to thicken. Line a tray with baking paper.
4. Take the balls out of the freezer, dip them into the melted chocolate to coat completely (I do this using two teaspoons), then place onto the tray. Once the chocolate coating has set, I dip them into the chocolate again to get a thicker coating and then top each truffle with a pinch of desiccated coconut while the chocolate is still wet.
5. Store the truffles in the fridge.
Makes 12 truffles.
NB: I use a 20ml tbsp. If you have a 15ml tbsp (if you're in the US or UK), you can measure out 4 tsp in place of each tbsp.
Monday again
Over the weekend itself I stayed Gf apart from the odd beer, stayed grain free, and was largely low carb apart from a few dates on Sunday. I didn't do much, just a couple of not very long walks, lots of laundry and a bit of cooking.
Today my journey in to work went very smoothly, not really fun, but no hold ups or problems. I was a little less busy at work, which was nice because I'm always tired on Mondays but less nice because it was less interesting and I was back to working on my own after enjoying working with someone else last week.
After work I didn't go to the gym. I intended to do a mini workout in my room, but I had such an early start that I lost interest in the idea. I then considered going to the hotel bar for a drink & meal due to being a bit down in the mouth, but while I was waiting for a reasonable time to go down I realised that didn't really appeal to me, so I stayed in my room & watched TV instead, while eating an unexciting but low carb dinner to compensate for a slight splurge earlier.
Food today:
Breakfast: 2 rashers bacon, 2 poached eggs - from the canteen
Lunch: homemade soup - vegetables in really thick homemade chicken stock
Dinner: beef & chicken roll ups
Snacks: Greek yoghurt with dried fruit; nuts; packet of crisps
The Eat to Live Cookbook Project: Giveaway!
As you all know, I've been cooking and blogging my way through Dr. Fuhrman's new Eat to Live Cookbook for the past ten weeks. I've made forty three recipes (I think) so far, and it's been quite a learning experience for me--both in learning to enjoy food totally without salt (which has sometimes been a challenge) and in learning new ways to prepare Whole Food Plant Based meals.
Now is the time to have a little fun. I love giveaways because I get to ask you whatever questions are on my mind and you have to answer me to enter. Mu ha haa!
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Sunday, December 15, 2013
The Eat to Live Cookbook Project: Thai Vegetable Curry
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Hair Diary || Mini Twist Takedown AND Future Style
![]() |
(Summer 2013) Loose twists on straightened hair. |
- For one, I only kept them in for three weeks and a few days. In the past, I would wear them from 4-6 weeks.
- For two, I was big on deep protein conditioning (Aphogee 2-Minute) and lubricating my hair while in the twists. In the past, I would just use my rinse-out conditioner and not as much lubricating.
- For three, I did slightly "stronger" twists (read this post to see what I mean) AND twisted (loosely though) all the way down to my ends. In the past, my mini twists have been weaker and not twisted all the way down to the ends.
I plan to wear my hair in plaits for a couple of days before washing and re-twisting. I think I want to do loose twists on flat-ironed hair (again) for my next set.
'Til next time (and with more pics).
Mixology || Rose Petal Scrub
- 1 1/2 cups of brown (turbinado) sugar
- 1 cup of coconut oil
- 1 tablespoon of sweet almond or jojoba oil
- Petals from one rose (pink or red)
- 1 clean mason jar with a lid
{Recipe Source}
Friday, December 13, 2013
The Eat to Live Project: Friday Recap (Week 9). Project Hold.
I hope you have been enjoying my reviews and photographs of the recipes from the Eat to Live Cookbook. To be totally honest, I have found the last few weeks to be a struggle to keep the project going while maintaining my other commitments. It's a temporary situation resulting from increased demands at work, so again, I am a little bit behind in my best laid plans for cooking and blogging at a pretty rapid pace. It's okay, I'm not beating myself up over it, just letting you know where I'm at.
We spend the end of the year in a warmer climate in a rental condo on the beach. For the past few years, I have continued to cook and blog from our vacation spot. But I know that making a commitment to myself (and to you) to keep this project going during my only downtime of the year would be a big mistake.
The most interesting thing that I have to grapple with is that wherever I go, I need and want to do most of the cooking for myself. On vacation in a foreign city with a makeshift kitchen? Still need to cook. That's just what happens when you eat a Whole Food Plant Based diet and enjoy it so much that you don't enjoy eating in most restaurants anymore. Stock up on convenience foods so that I can have a real rest for two weeks? Not going to happen.
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Thursday, December 12, 2013
The Eat to Live Cookbook Project: Polenta Frittata
The basic components are cooked cornmeal with some seasonings and cooked vegetables. Stir the two together, pour it into a casserole dish and bake it--you've got the formula for something really great.
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quick lemon + garlic chicken with kale

- 2 chicken breasts (or a few thighs)
- 2 cloves of garlic
- Half a lemon
- Salt
- Pepper
- Bunch of kale
- Handful of flaked almonds
- Handful of fresh parsley, roughly chopped
- Olive oil
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Reader Advice Day: Orthorexia Concerns for a Nutritarian
I received an e-mail last week that I really need to share with you, so here goes:
Here is my issue.........I suffer from major OCD/food anxiety. Since eating this way, 7 years ago, I have become so OCD about food. I think of nothing else. I have anxiety around food that I have never had before reading all of these plant based books. I obsess over salt, sugar, and oils. I want them then I don't, I want them, then I don't. Dr. Fuhrman especially makes me incredibly anxious. Have you ever heard of this or do you experience this?
Busy busy busy
I did however leave work on time, as my head was threatening to explode at anytime, and therefore was able to train after work in the hotel gym, 45 minutes (and 3 km) on an elliptical machine.
Food today:
Breakfast: scrambled eggs with the last (thank god!) of the tinned fish
Lunch: chicken & cheese 'sandwiches'
Dinner: chicken, celery & nuts
Snacks: Greek yoghurt with mixed seeds; almonds
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
I worked out!
I was busier than usual at work so its just as well I was feeling a little bit more alert - I spent the whole morning trying (and not entirely succeeding) to get my head around some fairly complicated and technical information. I even had to work on a little bit after my usual finishing time.
After I got back to the hotel I went to the gym & spent 40 minutes on an elliptical machine, which felt pretty good.
That was followed by a hot bath, a not great tea, then TV & chamomile tea to complete the relaxation part of the problem.
FYI... I'm sick of fish now :-)
Food today:
Breakfast: peppered mackerel, Greek yoghurt with mixed seeds
Lunch: warm chicken & ham salad
Dinner: tinned tuna and sardines, rollmap herrings & cockles - just a mixture of all sorts of stuff I had in my room as I didn't feel like shopping.
Snacks: bacon; almonds; cheese
The Eat to Live Cookbook Project: Cara's Apple Strudel
Monday, December 9, 2013
Belated Monday post
This weekend I managed to keep my food under control completely despite being so knackered by the time I got home (after detouring to Lincoln to collect my car - a total driving time of approximately 4 and a quarter hours) that we went to a nearby pub for dinner. I was gluten free all weekend except a few beers - 2 small bottles on Friday and one pint yesterday, also grain free apart from those, and low carb to boot (again apart from the beers) I had meat, eggs or cheese with veg for every meal and only snacked on Greek yoghurt or nuts. And as usual feel so much better for it that I can only wonder (again!!!) why its so easy for me to stop doing the thing that makes me feel better in favour of doing the things that make me feel bad....
Speaking of feeling bad, well tired anyway, my god I've been tired all day today. I was too busy being pathetically terrified while driving in in the dark this morning to notice early on, but as soon as I hit busier / street lit roads towards the end of the journey it really hit me and once in the warm office I really just wanted to curl up and nap... I'd set my alarm to get up at 4:30am, woke up about 3:10, and only dozed after that until I had to get up needing the bathroom so I guess I don't have to look far to figure out why I've been so knackered... I had a 2 hour meeting this afternoon and its never been so hard to stay upright and (apparently) conscious...
ETA I meant to post this last night, but after wandering around some local shops for an hour, then taking a hot bath, and then eating my weird not entirely satisfactory dinner, I fell asleep in front of the tv and didn't get round to hitting Publish...
Food today:
Breakfast: 2 hard boiled eggs, 2 rashers bacon and an avocado in caesar salad dressing
Lunch: chicken & cheese 'sandwiches' minus the bread
Dinner: peppered mackerel, rollmap herrings
Snacks: cashews; almonds; cheese
The Eat to Live Cookbook Project: Wild Rodeo Salad
So sorry for the delay on this recipe's review. Real life, hard work, kid care and The Walking Dead are getting the best of me right now. I know you understand!
The great news is that right out of the gate, my daughter Maya picked a winner from the new Happy Herbivore Light & Lean cookbook. I mentioned a few days ago that I need to start making some new things that are more kid friendly (at least to my children) than the recipes in the Eat to Live Cookbook. So I'm here to report that the Peanut Soba Noodles (p. 158) were quite a success! Here's the evidence to prove it:
spiced almond cream cookies

- 1� cups ground almonds
- 2 tsp ground ginger
- 1 tsp ground cinnamon
- 1 egg
- 2 tbsp rice malt syrup
- 1� tbsp raw virgin coconut oil, softened
- � cup white almond butter
- 1 tbsp raw virgin coconut oil, softened
- � tsp vanilla powder
- 1 tbsp rice malt syrup
- Pinch of salt
Thursday, December 5, 2013
The Eat to Live Cookbook: Friday Recap (Week 8) and Next Week's Cooking
Salt has been a popular topic of conversation during the entire Eat to Live Project. Many people have expressed dissatisfaction with this or that recipe, and what immediately comes to my mind is . . . SALT. If you are cooking out of the Eat to Live Cookbook and you haven't (for the most part) gotten salt out of your life, you might find it very difficult to enjoy these recipes.
It was a wild & windy winter's day
As I slowly chugged through rush hour traffic this evening the garage fixing my car called. I didn't take the call at the time but when I called back I learned that my car is ready for collection - so tomorrow I'll be taking a detour to Lincoln to pick it up. Yay! The courtesy car was absolutely useful and necessary but I won't be sorry to get rid of the tin box on wheels, however cute it is.
I continued with the very low carb thing today, though less so then yesterday as I ate nuts & seeds. Looking in the mirror (not something I enjoy but sometimes a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do) I can see my abs beginning to get more defined as I've clearly dropped some retained water. For some reason I generally have the beginnings of abs even when I'm heavy & puffy (not at my heaviest but ever since I
lost the majority of the weight) but they do become less distinct with puffiness when I'm bad. I always like to see them return!
Food today:
Breakfast: eggs scrambled with goat's cheese
Lunch: ham, & cheese 'sandwiches' minus the bread
Dinner: ham & goat cheese
Snacks: Greek yoghurt; mixed seeds; cashew nuts
Healthy Hair on Youtube: KinkyStyles1980
It has been a while since I put up a "Healthy Hair on Youtube" post. Well here is one featuring a Type 4 natural I just recently discovered - KinkyStyles1908. This past August she did a length check upon becoming 3 years natural. Her growth and length retention are impressive considering that she is only a couple inches from waist-length. Her regimen consists of various protective styles (twists and mostly braid extensions). Check out her hair below and view her other videos for more details about her hair care routine.
Study || Oil Pulling + Oral Health
This study was conducted back in 2008 with the use of sesame oil, to be exact, and 10 minutes of gargling daily for two weeks. So what was the conclusion? Oil pulling prior to brushing was effective in reducing bacteria related to tooth decay (specifically the Streptococcus mutans that was found in plaque). Thus, oil pulling can be used "as a preventative home therapy to maintain oral health" [1].
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
The Eat to Live Cookbook: Orange Peanut Dressing
Orange Peanut Dressing
from The Eat to Live Cookbook by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, p. 89
Did I like it? Like, yes. I would have loved it with a little tweaking at the time that I prepared it.
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salmon cakes with smashed broccoli

- 1 small onion
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 3 x 213g tins of salmon (or equivalent weight of cooked salmon steaks)
- 3 eggs, lightly beaten
- Handful of fresh parsley, chopped
- 2 tsp coconut flour
- 1 tsp smoked paprika
- Salt
- Pepper
- Squeeze of lemon juice
- Coconut oil for frying
- 1 head of broccoli
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Salt
Low carb gf crunchless...
I do feel less bloated already. I know damn well I gained real weight over these past couple of weeks as I've been comforting myself excessively with food - both excessive quantities and making poor choices, particularly the ones involving gluten. Even so, carbs do cause water retention and that clears fairly quickly once the carb intake drops.
Surprisingly enough despite going totally overboard with sweet stuff yesterday (and at the weekend) I haven't been missing sweetness today at all. But I have been missing varied textures - I always feel that all meats once cooked are of a similar texture, maybe more or less chewy, finer grain or coarser - and none of it is crunchy or crisp. Neither is cheese of course, though the silky softness of Greek yoghurt offers a little variety. But I want crunch, damn it!!! I did include spring onions with my dinner for a different texture (luckily there's no-one here I want to kiss) and it helped - a bit... Ah well, its only for a little while...
Food today:
Breakfast: eggs scrambled with cheese
Lunch: ham, chicken & cheese 'sandwiches' minus the bread
Dinner: smoked salmon, spring onions, goat cheese & prawns
Snacks: Greek yoghurt with pumpkin seeds, chicken breast
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
So far off the wagon I can't even see it heading over the horizon...
Slept poorly last night due to noisy neighbors. I woke up multiple times and was horrified when my alarm went off forcing me to get up this morning.
I'm thoroughly bored by my job now and really wish it was January already. Sadly unless the job market picks up I might not have any choice about accepting an extension if one is offered, but for now that's all I'm committed to so I'm clinging to that. But I'm a little depressed at the moment and not happy about the prospect of extending OR the prospect of being unemployed - and it's two months before either of them become an issue. So why am I letting it get me down now??? Especially given that I might find a more local job in January or win the lottery or something???
All I know is that my work clothes feel tight and I binged on chocolate today. Just realized after admitting to that - I believe it may be TTOM, which would make sense of it all... Especially the heavy duty carb cravings...
It's also been a very grey day today after such beautiful (cold) weather over the weekend so maybe that is also contributing to my generally feeling low and cranky.
Food today:
Breakfast: Scotch egg & Greek yoghurt
Lunch: baked potato with tuna mayo & a little side salad
Dinner: chicken & cheese
Snacks: chocolate brazil nuts & snickers bar
The Eat to Live Cookbook: Too-Busy-To-Cook Vegetable Bean Soup
Too-Busy-To-Cook Vegetable Bean Soup
from The Eat to Live Cookbook by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, p. 168
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Monday, December 2, 2013
Another week begins
I am proud to report that today I demonstrated the amazing ability to drive out of Lincolnshire without entering a single ditch!!!! And that on a cold foggy morning in the dark... I'm so happy about that I can't tell you!
I had another lovely weekend at my dad's this weekend. Friday I worked from home and collected the courtesy car, which went very smoothly apart from some road works in Lincoln. Its a doddle to drive but as you'd expect of a courtesy car, a very basic model which doesn't compete with mine in power or comfort - in fact the 45 mins or so I spent driving to Dad's house was enough to numb my bum & thighs :-) As a result of that and the fact that I am still not fully recovered from the aches and pains post-ditch, I decided against the 3 hr drive home on Saturday.
On Saturday Dad, his wife C and I went to a local stately home called Doddington Hall & Gardens. The gardens would be better in Spring / Summer obviously, though still impressive
the house was lovely
and the farm shop an absolute treasure trove of exciting produce and treats (most of which I couldn't buy due to having another week of work ahead of me.) This was followed by popping to a large local garden centre for lunch and some gift shop browsing.
A quiet evening with a beautiful sunset followed�
Sunday we had no plans until 4 pm when the village Dad lives in was having its Christmas Market. We spent the morning very quietly - just a stroll into the village to buy a paper, reading that paper, and prepping a room for some work they were having done today. After lunch Dad & I walked to the next village through beautiful sunshine and happened to arrive at the village pub just as we were getting thirsty... It was a nice pub, which did a Sunday carvery that looked good, and they served a very nice guest ale indeed.
The sky in Lincolnshire goes on forever�
We got back about half an hour before the market was due to start, so we grabbed a quick cuppa before heading off. Unfortunately I forgot my phone when we dashed off (its rubbish at night time photography anyway).
When we got to the village square the choir was singing carols until the market officially opened. Then the stalls started selling, the free (donations requested for next years) coffee, tea, mulled wine & mince pies started being served, and kids started queuing for Santa's grotto. My Dad & C have some friends in the village they've known for years and as a result have been introduced to lots of other locals, so chat and laughing and eating roasted chestnuts were the order of the day. It was a lovely evening, though it did get cold by the time we left. Then it was home for supper and a sadly early night for me given my earlyish start this morning.
It was chilly but not frosty this morning; there was fog part of the way and I was damn glad to have gone a different route (one I'd practiced twice over the weekend) and not have hit the fog on that road in the dark. I was very tense driving in and slow enough to be overtaken by at least half a dozen locals but I'd decided that getting here at all had to be top priority, regardless of the time, so didn't let it phase me. And I made it!!!
My drive to the hotel was surprisingly painless (I'm back at the hotel I used in my first week this week) but there was a disappointment in store for me... No bath in the ensuite! A massive shower, very nice I suppose, but no bathtub. Sob whimper
Food today:
Breakfast: Scotch egg & slice of C's homemade tea loaf (neither gf)
Lunch: chicken fried rice sort of, from the canteen
Dinner: chicken & lamb shish kebab
Snacks: cashews & wine gums