Monday, March 31, 2014
I hate daylight saving
Ah well.
Friday I didn't post due to wallowing in suicidal / homicidal depression. I don't know why I suddenly felt soooo awful, but I basically crashed. I ate 2 bags of crisps, gluten-containing mini brownies & maxi cookie, I cried in the bathroom, picked fights with my husband and was generally horrible to be around. Then I woke up on Saturday... happy.
Saturday was sunny and so warm I didn't even take a coat when I went out (usually I take one just in case then get hugely irritated at having to carry it around). I went out twice - morning & afternoon - for a total of probably 4 - 5 miles, and in the afternoon wandered slightly off my usual path to discover a really pleasant little wood to walk in, only minutes from the house.
Sunday I continued feeling good. In the morning I walked to Ascot (having forgotten it was a race day so would be really busy) - about 4 miles in total. I had intended to walk back again but my feet were warning of possible blisters so I didn't risk it, instead catching the train back and walking from the station - another mile - and then going back out later for a little shopping. In total, between 6 and 7 miles probably. I mostly enjoyed it (although I'd overfilled my rucksack for the last bit) and we followed that by watching The Hobbit in 3D. Of course it's so long that took up the whole afternoon, but we really enjoyed it. Apart from the singing - but that reflects my feelings regarding The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings books as well.
I also experimented a bit in the kitchen over the weekend - I made some pear, sage & fennel breakfast sausages (recipe in the Paleo cookbook Paleo lunches and breakfasts on the go) - very delicious, M liked them too - and for dinner yesterday I made meatza with a beef crust - really tasty!
I did not want to go to work today and tried to think of an excuse to work from home, but failed. I sulked a little bit on the journey in but got over it eventually (it would have been quicker if there had been fewer disgusting noises invading my desk airspace from the guy who sits across from me)
I had my now standard 2 miles walk today. So the walking is continuing at a fairly undemanding level anyway.
In other news, after repeatedly failing to get through to the hospital last week to ask about my op, someone finally answered the phone today. One transfer and another call later, I discovered that I was right - no order on the system, so I wasn't on the waiting list. And one of my two months gone without anything happening. I knew they'd bloody forgotten all about me!
Food today:
Breakfast: scrambled eggs
Lunch: homemade soup & vegetable crisps
Dinner: Italian sausage & peppers zucchini noodles (I made my own 'Italian sausage' using pork mince & well fed Italian sausage seasoning, then shaped it into small meatballs to fake the chunks of sliced sausage in the original recipe)
Snacks: nuts, natural yoghurt, small amount of melon
Friday, March 28, 2014
Butternut Cookies
- 1 banana mashed
- 1/3 cup butternut squash ( steamed and mashed)
- 4 dates pitted and chopped
- 1/3 cup coconut flour
- 1/3 cup unsweetned dessiccated coconut
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 2 tsp apple cider vinegar
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tsp almond nut butter
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- pinch of ground ginger
- pinch of nutmeg
- pinch of himalayan rock salt ( or sea salt)
- 2 Tbsp almond milk ( start with one and omit other if mixture is moist enough)
- 1 tsp coconut oil, melted
- Preheat oven to 180deg Celcius.
- Line a baking tray with parchment paper.
- Mix all the ingredients in a medium shaped bowl.
- Drop by spoonfuls onto the prepared baking sheet and flatten out.
- Bake for about 15-20 minutes or until golden brown and cooked through.
- Remove baking tray once cooked and let cookies sit for a few minutes.
- Remove cookies and place them on wire rack to cool.
Enjoy :-)
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Enough is enough
Ok, I had some chocolate again today and now I'm feeling sick of myself. I'm not happy boo hoo me but the truth is I'm not unhappy because my life lacks chocolate and now it's just starting to feel self destructively self indulgent - and a bit tedious. And not even enjoyable. Not to mention weight gain (2 miles walking a day, though a definite improvement, will not offset chocolate eating)
So that's enough.
Right. Well, I must admit I feel it hard to care about looking after myself and hard to feel like I deserve to feel good / look good / be happy right now. As a first step in changing that I've booked an appointment to get my hair cut on Saturday (I look like an unpruned shrub at the moment) and starting tomorrow I'm going to do another whole 30 though without making a big thing of it if I slip up now and then as it can only run up to April 26th, when we have a reservation at one of M's favourite restaurants for his birthday.
Food today:
Breakfast: eggs scrambled with asparagus
Lunch: salad with hot smoked salmon
Dinner: soup - turkey egg drop soup with homemade chicken stock
Snacks: chocolate again & cashews
Healthy Hair on Youtube: Naturally High
What I LOVE about Naturally High is that her kinky, natural hair is super healthy and super long (almost hip-length). It is rare that I see naturals with my hair type who are hip-length or this close to it. (The only other one that comes to mind is Sera before her cut.) It further weakens the silly argument that "black girls cannot grow long hair".
Naturally High shares some great hair care tips and interesting natural hair experiences on her YouTube channel. Here is one video in which she discusses, what I would call, a natural hair experience you would NEVER want to encounter:
Product Review || ApHogee Keratin 2 Minute Reconstructor
How I used it:
Left on for 2 minutes under a shower cap for the initial trials.
For later trials, left on for 5 minutes with heat.
Reader Advice Day: Homemade Salt Free Seasonings
I just ran into your blog - looks wonderful! Thank you for all the time and effort you put into sharing!
I have an important question that I hope you can help me with. I just ordered the Eat To Live Cookbook from It hasn't arrived yet, but already I'm concerned about some of the ingredients called for that aren't available here at all, likeVegizest and Matozest (there may be more, but I'll know that after I get the cookbook).
I need some sort of a do-it-youself, make-at-home substitute. Even the other brands you and other readers mentioned on your blog page [ ] are not available here in Germany. Because I can't get my hands on any of these products, I can't guess-timate at all what I can do here to fudge my own version - I have no idea what the original tastes like. :-s
Read more �
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Thanks Deniz for your congrats - sadly they came just as I was bingeing due to continued depression combined with the hormonal upheavals of TTOM, stomach cramps & diarrhea... Sorry to disappoint!
I worked from home today so I could let in a BT engineer to upgrade our broadband. He was due between 8 am and 1pm and of course I expected him to come at 12:59 pm, but amazingly he arrived about 8:20 and was gone in about 15 minutes - much better!
Unfortunately once that was out of the way my mood plummeted and by about 11:30 I was counting the minutes to lunchtime so I could buy some comfort food. I started with a massive chocolate milkshake and carried on from there... I wonder actually if I was feeling a little bit anaemic as well as just greedy - look at my lunch & you'll see why! The tiny positive I do get from my behaviour is at least I still went out for a bit of a walk - I'm so not enjoying it right now (too much time to think) that it almost feels like a punishment, but today it offset at least 2 or 3 mouthfuls of my binge. Even if it was specifically for the purpose of buying the binge food in the first case.
Food today:
Breakfast: smoothie of spinach,coconut milk, frozen banana & blueberries + avocado
Lunch: small rump steak with lemon garlic spinach
Dinner: Chinese roast bbq pork with veg and big dollops of zingy ginger dressing
Snacks: milkshake, 2 gf muffins, dried fruit
PS I know it's really annoying of me to mention a horrible thing and not tell you what it was, I nearly just pretended that 3 days didn't pass without a post and carried on as if nothing happened... But I'm so grumpy depressed and generally miserable right now I figured inflicting myself on the web with NO explanation was just as unfair, and staying off, well, I guess I need you anyway...
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Anyway, to today. Horrible weather didn't keep me indoors today - I walked 2 miles in the rain and though I didn't enjoy it much um sure it did me good.
Work was pretty tedious but not too stressful and not too arduous. Yesterday was worse - some software was released on Sunday and it didn't work properly yesterday morning, so that wasn't good news although the problem was solved by lunchtime. With everything that had been happening I cracked yesterday and had some mini eggs; I've also had a few drinks to relax from my sky high stress levels the last couple of days. I am pleased not to have binged at any point though. Even though I've had backache for 3 days.
Food today:
Breakfast: eggs scrambled with ham & mushrooms
Lunch: ham & egg mayo salad
Dinner: pork osso bucco with veg
Snacks: cashews,
The Eat to Live Cookbook Project: Sweet Potato Lasagna with Swiss Chard and Arugula Walnut Pesto
First off, I want to tell you that if you are expecting the President of the United States to come over for dinner and you want to have something really special, AND Nutritarian, to feed him, you might want to consider this recipe.
Never have I made anything so healthy and yet so gourmet.
I wasn't expecting to like it.
After many days of dragging my butt to get this recipe completed I was already kind of over it before we even took our first bite. First came the pesto making, then the mushroom and onion sauteing, then the chopping and layering of the "lasagna," and finally, the sauteing of the shallots, Swiss chard and zucchini. Forget about the hours of reducing the pomegranate juice. I blew that off and opted for the quick and easy bottled balsamic glaze.
Forget about the confusion over what size casserole dish this recipe required. That drove me up the wall! The recipe lists a dish with a 2" high wall. What is that supposed to mean? Is it an 8x8 or a 9x13 or some other size? Finally I settled on my small 8x8 (or is it 9x9, I don't know) Pyrex dish because the recipe said that it served 5. I figured ain't no way five people are consuming a 9x13 casserole in one sitting, unless they have appetites like my husband.
The whole thing was quite a production.
Frustrating as well, as the sweet potato just never got soft, no matter how long I left the casserole in the oven.
But somehow, after plating up our first dishes of this meal, the vibrancy of all of that color and all of those vegetables overtook me, and I knew that someday, maybe not soon, I would make this dish again. Because with absolutely no salt at all, it was full of flavor.
And when I do make it again, I'm doubling the recipe. There's no reason to work this hard for two dinners. I want to get a lot more nights off from cooking after I put in this kind of effort!
Sweet Potato "Lasagna" with Swiss Chard and Arugula Walnut Pesto
from The Eat to Live Cookbook by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, p. 198-199
Did I like it? Yes, I really did!
Was it easy to make with readily available ingredients? Not at all, this one is a doozy! It's not that the ingredients are hard to source, although pomegranate juice might be tricky, it just that the time involved is fairly intense.
What specifically did I like about the recipe? I love that I now have a recipe that if I want to serve guests a beautiful plate of food, I know just want to make.
What specifically didn't I like about the recipe? Well, besides the fact that the sweet potatoes never got soft, really nothing. I don't want to complain too much about the time it took to make the recipe, because I really am a believer that great food sometimes requires a lot of effort.
Oh, there us one other thing. Maybe a few other things . . . see below.
Did my husband like it? He loved it and kept thanking me for the great dinner.
Did my teenage daughter like it? She hasn't tried it yet, but I plan on serving her some of the leftovers tonight. I don't expect that she will like this, but I want to try.
Did my eight or five year old try it? Get out of town! This is seriously adult food.
Would I make it again? Yes, but only for special occasions. This is not an ordinary meal in any way.
Is there anything I would do to improve on it if I made it again? The casserole ended up very, very watery. The recipe makes no mention of pressing the tofu before slicing it, and when I make this again I will press the tofu. Also, pouring vegetable broth on top of the casserole before baking, as the recipe specified, probably wasn't a good idea either. I'd eliminate that step. I would also consider partially baking the sweet potatoes before slicing them and layering them into the casserole. That way you wouldn't end up with crunchy sweet potatoes. Nobody like crunchy sweet potatoes.
Overall Grade (completely unscientific, I admit): B+
Have you made Dr. Fuhrman's Sweet Potato "Lasagna" with Swiss Chard and Arugula Walnut Pesto? What were your impressions? Leave a comment below.
Still don't have the book? What are you waiting for? These recipes are colorful.
Follow along on this journey on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and/or Twitter too!
Monday, March 24, 2014
Franks Mince
Anyway a quick easy lunch/dinner i rustled up today, who says recipes on the blog need to be over complicated. This ones simple and just 3 ingredients
- 200g Steak Mince
- 1 Tbsp Franks hot sauce
- 2 Tbsp Greek Full Fat Natural Yogurt ( or Goats milk yogurt for those dairy free)
- 1 Tbsp coconut oil
- Heat the coconut oil in the pan and fry up the mince until cooked through.
- Take off the pan and allow to cool.
- In a small bowl mix the yogurt and hot sauce to create a dressing/sauce.
To serve
Put the mince on the plate and the dressing on top, on the side or mix through.
I also added a nice side salad of spinach, rocket, sunflower seeds and extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar
raw choc-mint protein slice

- 2 cups raw brazil nuts (or cashews, macadamias or sunflower seeds)
- � cup Amazonia raw protein powder
- ? cup raw cacao powder
- ? cup coconut flour
- � cup raw virgin coconut oil, softened
- 1 tbsp rice malt syrup (or raw honey)
- 2 drops pure peppermint oil
- water and apple cider vinegar (if you're soaking the nuts)
Friday, March 21, 2014
This morning one of the guys in the office brought in cakes for his birthday and I was pleased to be completely indifferent to one (a truly enormous chocolate cake with a full centimetre of chocolate icing on it) and easily able to resist the other (a very substantial New York cheesecake) - both of them were homemade too, which is generally more appealing than shop bought; he also brought 2 boxes of mixed Krispy Kremes. In the right mood I've always loved them, even since going GF, and I did have to put a little effort into avoiding looking at them too closely, but I managed to resist those too. Helped admittedly by the fact that the office is full of addicts and the boxes emptied quickly, but I still count that as a victory!
Breakfast: eggs scrambled with tomato and bell peppers
Lunch: chicken-bell pepper salad made with Paleo mayonnaise in romaine lettuce leaves and a snackpack of dates
Dinner: well fed 2 crispy panfried sardines with salad
Snacks: coconut, cashews, Greek yoghurt
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Raw Chocolate Dice
I have to say while on my food experiments that i am on, i sometimes do miss my little chocolate treats. What better way to indulge than on homemade raw chocolate treats. With this one you can play around with flavors and enjoy them all, whatever flavors you like. For mine i used desiccated coconut, flaked almonds, raspberries and crushed oat cakes.
- 60g raw cocoa powder
- 60g cocoa butter
- 35g coconut palm sugar (you could also use agave syrup/raw honey or maple syrup)
- 2 Oat cakes crushed
- 1 Tbsp crushed frozen rasberries
- 1 Tbsp desiccated coconut
- 1 Tbsp flaked almonds
- Over a pan of hot water melt the cocoa butter in a bowl
- Remove from heat and mix in cocoa powder and coconut palm sugar
- Once everything is completely coated you can add in your additional fillers. *
- Pour the mixture into the chocolate moulds and put in fridge or freezer to set ( depending on how much patience you have )
Once set these can be stored in the fridge or freezer and gamble at your leisure.
Back to normal
I didn't walk today at lunchtime - I was too busy drooling over inspiralized recipes. Unfortunately I didn't have time afterwards either as I was waiting for a Tesco delivery - but I did do some housework so it was kind of productive
Food today:
Breakfast: my favourite egg salad - hard boiled egg, bacon & avocado in mayonnaise.
Lunch: soup - very mild despite being flavoured with red Thai curry paste, very rich from coconut cream
Dinner: spiralized sweet potato noodles cooked in a homemade tomato 'pasta' sauce with tinned tuna, sliced black olives and capers stirred in
Snacks: coconut, roast gammon, Babybel cheese
Protective Style Lookbook || Zipper Braid and Bantu Knot Updo
Model: Pure Estrogen
Mixology || Coconut Oil Lotion Bars
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Rush rush rush
Because of that great combo I couldn't enjoy the weather when it improved just before lunch - the sun was too bright for my headache when I popped out briefly - or after work, when the head was better but I had things to do. After work I did more laundry, repaired a dress whose hem was drooping in an unattractive manner, made lunches for tomorrow and dinner for today, plus whizzing up a batch of paleo mayonnaise and (my personal pet hate) unloading/reloading the dishwasher. It was a relief to collapse in front of the TV after dinner to catch my breath!
That combination of too much to do in too little time also stopped me from writing my post throughout the day while waiting for my tests to complete. So apologies for the greater than usual tedium!
Food today:
Breakfast - leftover turkey burger topped with paleo hoisin sauce + broccoli slaw
Lunch: more leftovers - a mystery stew I found languishing in the depths of my freezer, followed by a snack pack of dried apricots
Dinner: a stir fry of unknown white fish, mushrooms, peppers & slightly ageing lettuce leaves. A whole lot better than it sounds!!!
Snacks: coconut flakes, a mini babybel cheese, pork scratchings
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
I ate chocolate today, and not quality, possibly heart healthy dark 80%+ dark chocolate, but milk chocolate filled with caramel. It was too sweet for me, but having bought it I ate it all anyway. Not enjoying it much makes me hope I'll remember that next time it seems like a good idea - I don't like chocolate seems a better place to be than I want chocolate but can't have it.
At lunchtime I didn't walk because it looked like rain. For once I got that one right - several people came back in complaining about getting wet. Unfortunately the guy who sits opposite me here (and like me, eats lunch at his desk) is prone to loud slurping, gulping, licking & belching noises so the most I can say for lunch is that at least I wasn't rained on...
After work I planned to take a short walk into town to pay a cheque into the bank but I worked late and then had more laundry and food prep chores to keep me in the kitchen. I quite like that mind you (though a walk would have been nice) - after spending all day sitting on my bum it's nice to stand up for a couple of hours.
Food today:
Breakfast: eggs scrambled with mushroom, leek & tomato
Lunch: homemade soup
Dinner: turkey burger (homemade) with lemon & garlic spinach
Snacks: nuts, homemade pork scratchings, Galaxy caramel bar
A Virtually No-oil Vegan Middle Eastern Feast
Monday, March 17, 2014
What a fabulous weekend!
The weather was beautiful and I spent most of both days outside.
On Saturday my brother arrived about 8:30 am and we walked to the post office to deal with a despatch and a collection, then after dropping off our collection at home headed for the train station. We started off with a brief visit to Wokingham to check out the Saturday market, then went on to Reading to check out the farmers market there, walk around in the sun, and have a Loch Fyne lunch. Then we caught the train back, and after stopping by the house to drop off some shopping we went for a walk through a park, wood and wildlife corridor. In total I think we probably came close to 10 miles walking and all of it in lovely mild spring weather.
On Saturday evening we ordered a Nepalese takeaway and watched a movie (more or less - my brother nodded off at least once)
Sunday we headed into London on the train. For months we've been planning vaguely to do a boat trip on the Thames and yesterday was the day. We downloaded a 2 for 1 voucher from the National Rail website and boarded at the Westminster Pier for a very short (but interesting thanks to an excellent commentary by one of the crew members) ride up to Tower Pier, where we changed boats to one for Greenwich.
We were both so impressed with Greenwich! We walked around the Old Royal Naval College for a while (beautiful buildings, well worth a visit)
The Chapel (above) and the Painted Room
We were not the only ones enjoying the lovely weather!
Then we had a little wander around the village. We found an excellent (but sadly overcrowded) market to explore as well, and both agreed we'd like to go back earlier in the day when it would hopefully be less crowded.
Then we caught the boat back to Tower Pier, popped into our favourite eating place - Bodeans BBQ - for a late lunch, and walked along the Thames Path to get back to the train station. There was a cold breeze for some of the day but a lot of the time I was walking around in a t-shirt (with s goofy smile, probably!)
I wasn't Paleo or even low carb all weekend - across the two days I ate white potatoes, rice, ice cream, a gf brownie and drank milky coffee - but had no untoward side effects and didn't suffer and energy crashes with all the walking so I guess it wasn't a bad idea. And I enjoyed all of it!
Today I didn't do any walking due to sore feet. I stayed in over lunch and then plunged into cooking, laundry and other chores straight after work - I was behind after my busy weekend
Food today:
Breakfast: eggs scrambled with bacon & spinach
Lunch: homemade soup
Dinner: tandoori chicken breasts with broccoli
Snacks: nuts, homemade pork scratchings, toasted coconut