Monday, September 23, 2013

Whole30 day 21 & 22

Yesterday I walked into Reading - about 5 miles - then caught the train back. I was wearing walking sandals so the blisters on my heels were fine, but the soles of my feet hurt instead! I didn't have anything much to do there but it felt like a good distance to aim for. Given how irregular and inconsistent my walking has been - combined with literally no other training - I wasn't really surprised that I was knackered later yesterday afternoon and evening and needed an early night!
Today I woke up at 4am (grrr) and barely managed to force myself to stay in bed until 5. I was hungry (I don't think I ate enough either day over the weekend to fuel the activity I was doing) but didn't eat breakfast for 2 hours and then did go ape with the cashew nut butter I bought last week (no-one else was in the office at 7 so the embarrassment factor didn't kick in). Ermmm the nut butter is all gone now... Crap crap crap crap.
I was tempted just to not eat again today at the time, but had just about enough sense to accept that wouldn't help.
Work is still hectic (and oh joy, I have to work Sunday so I'm looking ahead to a short annoying weekend) and thankless and making me daily more glad that I will be leaving at the end of next month. The muggy overcast weather today didn't help either - or the fact that I had to drive to work in the dark all the way - up till today it was just about lightening up by the half way point. I did manage a 2 mile walk at lunchtime, not particularly enjoyable but a very welcome break from work and very welcome change of scene from my desk. I went to the local farm shop and bought some veggies and apples. Among the veggies was kohlrabi, and I have no idea what to do with it! I now have quite a bit of experimenting to do - I have jicama, horseradish root and kohlrabi, none of which I've really used before. I have a plan for at least some of the jicama - namely oven baked & raw 'fries' - and a few recipes requiring horseradish root, but the kohlrabi is a mystery to me. It's an interesting slant on the whole30 that while I admit (frequently) to sometimes feeling bored / deprived by its restrictions, it's also inspiring me to try new things. I've never made mayonnaise before starting this plan. At the weekend I made a dairy free ranch dressing, vinaigrette dressing, and pesto, all from recipes in the It Starts With Food book - usually I buy commercial bottled dressings or settle for a squeeze of lemon juice. Last night I tossed steamed cabbage & cauliflower with the pesto sauce and loved it! And I've been experimenting with different herbal teas to fill the hole left by fizzy drinks and booze - in the process falling in love with Pukka Tea's 3 ginger tea bags, Indigo Herbs loose cut liquorice root tea, and Twinings peppermint tea. (it's not all good mind you - I've also discovered I don't like cinnamon tea, passion flower tea tastes much less interesting than it sounds.) Rooibos tea remains my all time favourite though.

Food today:
Breakfast: scrambled eggs with mushrooms, leek & yellow pepper
Lunch: chicken vegetable soup
Dinner: homemade beef burger with jicama fries
Snack: cashew nuts & nut butter

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