Monday, July 22, 2013

Hi! Over here!

I decided to not post Friday because I'm kind of sick of just moaning on and on... So for a while anyway I won't post if that's all I've got to say! As a quick summary: Thursday night I was up all night with an upset stomach exacerbated by the hot weather. Friday I stayed off work, tried to sleep in the morning but failed because of the daylight, went out twice - just a mile each time for some fresh air - and otherwise settled for TV watching and very light reading.
Friday night I slept like a rock by my standards. On Saturday I felt so much better I went to Basildon Park, a National Trust property that you may have seen on film or TV. I did a house tour and wandered around the gardens for about an hour and a half, then spent an hour following a marked 3 mile walk through the parkland. It was cooler than it has been lately in the morning, but heated up later. The grounds were obviously suffering in the heat and dry weather.

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Sunday was a quiet day too. I walked just over 4 miles midmorning and another mile later on but all of it very, very slowly because of the temperature. I also watched Ice Age 4 in 3D, and loved it like all of them (even though I don't like 3D because of the glasses).

I tried to walk today but was crawling along so slowly because of the heat (28 degrees) that I covered less than 2 miles in my lunch hour. After work I managed 40 mins on the climber, and fell into a cold shower as quickly as I could afterwards!

Food today:
Breakfast: bacon omelette & one gf sausage
Lunch: home made chicken, veg & Italian sausage soup
Dinner: Turkey Bolognese sauce served over steamed leek and courgette
Snacks: Greek yoghurt with strawberries & raspberries, mixed seeds and pork rinds � a hungry day!

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